07759 931785

Entirety Care...

Day Services

Entirety has supported Individuals/Members with Learning Disabilities since April 2015 in the local and extended community. We run our core service for our activities Monday to Friday 0830am-5pm but can happily add to either end of the day if planned.

As an active day service, we enjoy a varied activity and lifestyle timetable to suit everyone we support, and their own health and care needs are all considered and put into a personal plan.

We always love to look and plan new adventures or places to go, but as much as this side is exciting for some it can be a nervous time for others, and we find many People we support love there regular day to day activities, so we generally plan most of the week with 1 day more open to flexibility for these trips.


Entirety Care
Entirety Care
Entirety Care
Entirety Care

On our timetable currently we go Bowling, Dance class, Inclusive keep fit, Gym sessions, Swimming, Aqua class, Hydrotherapy, Inclusive cycling, Cooking, crafts, games and puzzles which take place mostly our hall space, Golf- driving range, Mini or crazy golf and Tennis.

Alongside the active side as mentioned we support individuals to Shop, whether this is Food shopping or personal, we support to medical appointments, college inductions and classes, horse riding sessions, visiting family and friends, celebrating birthdays, BBQ … This list is long.

Day trips out can include Seaside trips, animal parks and sanctuaries, boat trips, walk and lunch out, Theatre, circus and cinema trips, Nature parks, Museums, this list is also long and endless.

Entirety is named as such because if we can help and support with Everything, we will so we welcome being approached for any request big or small.

Most team members support individuals in there own cars and are paid a mileage which we charge, generally this is because of health needs and getting around, especially if assessing the community and getting to and from classes, we have found it more personal to pick and drop off. If possible, Team members get public transport with individuals, this is looked at. Planned and risk assessed on an individual basis.

For those Busy or those at the slower pace, most seem to enjoy a get together for a coffee shop meet up, packed lunch picnic style or for a chin wag, lovely to see old friends and make new ones, to which over the years we have made lovely friendships and linked in with many other groups in the area. Being included and cared about is so important to us all and we like to support and flourish new friendships as well as keeping existing one’s alive.
For some health problems can get in the way of being out and about at times so we can also support at home- doing an activity indoors or providing companionship whilst needed, which this also allows family members to get on with their day.

Day Services

As an active day service, we enjoy a varied activity and lifestyle timetable to suit everyone we support.

Domiciliary Care

We appreciate care isn’t just needed 9 to 5 and we know sometimes care is needed outside of these hours,

Entirety Holidays

Since 2015 we have supported various individuals to have some lovely holidays away.


Entirety offers a respite service at an Individual's home or at a staff member’s home, dependent on the need of each person.

Start the Journey with Us

If you would like more information on our services, please do get in touch!