07759 931785

Entirety Care...

Respite Care

Entirety offers a respite service within an Individuals home or in a staff member’s home, dependent on the need of each person.  This can be an overnight stay or for an extended period depending on the need from the individual or their family/carers.

More often we are there to step in to allow families a much-needed break/Holiday themselves.

Respite can be tailored around our day support and activities, and we plan pick up. drop home and sorting bags needed for the period, again taking pressure off everyone and making sure things run smoothly.
Respite packages can be on a direct payment or via the local authority via a care plan review.

On call

Entirety has an on-call system of the Directors getting notified if this is needed out of core hours.

Even with the best planning emergencies do happen and if we help at last minute notice to cover this then we will do our best, It’s good to think there is a back up if needed.

Entirety Care
Entirety Care
Entirety Care
Entirety Care

Day Services

As an active day service, we enjoy a varied activity and lifestyle timetable to suit everyone we support.

Domiciliary Care

We appreciate care isn’t just needed 9 to 5 and we know sometimes care is needed outside of these hours,

Entirety Holidays

Since 2015 we have supported various individuals to have some lovely holidays away.


Entirety offers a respite service at an Individual's home or at a staff member’s home, dependent on the need of each person.

Start the Journey with Us

If you would like more information on our services, please do get in touch!